
Transparent Photovoltaic Glazing

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Polysolar Modules Undergo Testing

Polysolar currently has its innovative thin film solar modules undergoing performance testing at Sheffield Solar Farm, at the University of Sheffield.  This independent test facility is comparing a range of different solar PV technologies for the UK climate.  Polysolar is also having its transparent and opaque modules demonstrated to see how they perform in low light levels and at different angles and inclination to the sun.

The results are available live online at  http://www.sheffieldsolarfarm.group.shef.ac.uk/polysolar-semi-module.html

New Solar Bike Light

Polysolar has launched a new solar bike light which is now available in the UK.  This everlasting bike light means you never need to worry about not having a working rear bike light.  Powered by solar photovoltaics it recharges during the day and last for up to 8 hours on a 2 hour charge.
My whole family has had one for over 2 years, aways attached to the bike I have never needed to worry about not having a working light.  No More Batteries!

To purchase please go to http://polysolarbikelights.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/buyabikelight/
Payment by Paypal 

Friday, 27 August 2010

Solar Greenhouse at START London

Polysolar are displaying their revolutionary new semi transparent solar panels at the START Garden Party in Prince Charles gardens at Clarence House, London in the form of a domestic greenhouse.